As noted earlier this week, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police were called to the North Carolina residence of Ric Flair and his wife, Jacqueline Bains Beems, on Monday night after Beems assaulted Flair. Neither Flair or Beems were arrested or hospitalized.
According to a report from The New York Daily News, it was actually Flair who called police to ask for help in dealing with his wife.
This isn't the first incident between the couple, as Beems was arrested and charged with assault in 2010 after punching Flair in the face at their home. The charges were later dropped. Beems was also arrested and charged with DWI and reckless driving this past March.
Read more: http://www.WrestlingInc.com/wi/news/2012/0630/553940/ric-flair/#ixzz1zIvkOT...